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Interpretación en el evento Money for our Movements


Edgar Villanueva on Decolonizing wealth


2018 Redadas en Asheville, informando a la comunidad desde Nuestro Centro



2018 Redadas en Asheville, informando a la comunidad desde Nuestro Centro

Manifestacion contra las redadas de ICE en Hendersonville



Un grupo de vecinos se concentra expontaneamente en el Jackson Park de Hendersonville para protestar contra los agentes de ICE que estuvieron participando en la semana de redadas en el Oeste de Carolina del Norte.

Date My City event in Asheville


«Testify!, Date My City will platform the experiences and statements of revelation as a building tool to help deepen and strengthen our connections as well as revive and seal commitments to racial justice. Attendees will hear power stump speeches from local leaders. There will also be a closing word from Date My City founder Sheneika E Smith. Organic testimony from members of the audience will be formatted within the occasion.

Much like the electrifying black church experience, there will be an artistic showcasing of spoken word, visual art, movement, and freedom songs in between the testimonials.

This event is supported by a Highlander Center “We Shall Overcome» grant. Other supporters are the Center for Craft, Creativity & Design, Ami Worthen, and Hood Huggers International.» From the event web info:

CPAC meeting after community protest


visitando la comunidad de Wellington en Arden – Campaña contra la HB-370


Renovations at Arthur Edington Center performing space


Lee Walker Heights homecoming Celebration


Lee Walker Heights is the oldest public housing community in Asheville, NC. The community was built in the 1950’s and is about to be renovated. Members of the community celebrated their history with food, games, music and speakers. Squad members from Word On The Street worked with JMPro TV to take photos and interview community members.

Discurso de Michelle Alexander en la UNCA